Behind their wards of sanctuary the two dark figures gaze out into Elvenport. As foretold, the chained form of the half orc mage
Grodda Elfbiter is pulled into view, guarded by a dozen elven rangers.
"It would seem the gnome's information is correct. Tis well that he can understand their loose tongues" speaks the bearded man. The woman nods, intent on watching the scene.
A regal looking elf stands before the battered mage faces away from him and moves his arms in an arcane fashion, casting an enchantment over himself. Looking out into the forest the elf begins to speak, his voice being magically amplified for all to hear.
"Know ye all this day that the foul half orc Grodda will meet his death. This is his just punishment for the crimes he has perpetrated against Elvenport and the High Forest". The elf goes on to list the crimes individually and give justification for the execution of the mage by beheading.
The watchers sigh. "I told you we should have brought some tea, this is going to go on for hours you realise", the man looks down to his companion.
"We will return once they have done justifying their murder of a captive. Knowing the elves, we should give them a few hours", the lithe woman replies.
The dark man nods, and they move off into the depths of the forest.
* * *
Returning to the scene shortly after midnight the two look out at the town. The execution has taken place and as expected Grodda's head now adorns a pike near the guard tower closest to the forest. A pyre next to it is all that remains of the corpse.
"Seems they are being thorough and trying to prevent his resurrection" the smaller form whispers.
"As expected. That's one weakness with elves, they follow tradition so eagerly it makes them predictable", the man replies before muttering a blessing. Inching closer he studies the impaled head.
"Yes, they have a nest of traps surrounding the pole. The rangers are on guard for any movement from the orcs in the forest. I don't think even they are stupid enough to attack Elvenport now though". As he watches, a black bird flies from the night sky and lands on the head, hungrily pecking at the scalp. The rangers gesture to it and joke amongst themselves as it pulls an eye from a socket and makes off with it.
"Good timing, I expect the head will also be burned tomorrow" the heavily armoured man states. "let us back off some".
The woman nods, backing off into the forest. She waits until they are a good distance away from the town before holding her arm out and calling to her raven.
Retrieving the eyeball two make their way through the forest towards Llorkh.